Pediatrics Fees
Our charges for office visits and other services are comparable with those of other pediatricians in the area. We ask that you pay at the time of the visit by cash, check, or credit card. Monthly billing is very expensive and this expense will eventually be reflected in increased cost to the patient. Most insurance companies require us to collect your copay up front.
We participate in a number of insurance plans. Please always present your insurance card upon arrival. Ask our receptionist for further information.
The parent is responsible for the bill. We will assist you in filling out insurance forms. Often a copy of our itemized bill is all you need to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Always save your receipt for your records.
Unpaid Bills
Our medical practice’s mission is to deliver the best possible health care to our patients and provide guidance for their families. Primary care medical providers choose their career because they have a passion for helping people, not because they are trying to get rich. Our business is to provide medical services to our patients; we can only do this by having a system of checks and balances that ensure our stability. When you or your child are seen by a medical professional, you are expected to pay your bill either through medical insurance coverage or out of pocket. We do our best to make sure our patients are educated on this, and we provide ample opportunity to answer questions as well as rectify past balances or create payment plans. It is our desire to work with our patients as much as we possibly can. However, we need your participation. We encourage you to contact us as soon as you receive a statement that you will not be able to pay in full immediately. We will work with you; we just ask you to communicate with us!
Our core values

We place ourselves in the shoes of our patients and parents as we mindfully listen, observe, and examine judgment-free.

By continually sharing information and seeking the advice and opinions of each other, our patients receive the benefit of the combined knowledge, skill, and experience of all the healthcare professionals who work in the practice.

A safe and healthy child makes a community stronger, and a strong community produces safe and healthy children.