We recommend the following links for more information and reading on a variety of topics.
Child Rearing Books
If you are interested in reading child-rearing books, we recommend the following:
- Caring for Your Baby and Child Birth to Age 5. AAP Publication
- Caring for Your Child 6–11. AAP Publication
- Caring for Your Adolescent, Ages 12–16. AAP Publication
- Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-Indulgent World. By H. Stephen Glenn
- Positive Discipline, By Jane Nelsen
- How to Talk so Kids Will Listen so Kids Will Talk. By Faber and Mazlisch
- Infants and Mothers, Toddlers and Families. by T. Berry Brazelton
- The First Twelve Months of Life
The Second Twelve Months of Life
- The Two to Six Year Old. By Dr. Frank Caplan
- The Baby Owner’s Manual
- Little People. By Dr. Ed Christopherson
- Discipline Without Shouting or Spanking. By Dr. Jerry Wyckoff
- Your Child’s Health. By Dr. Barton Schmidt
- Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. By Richard Ferber
- The Difficult Child. By Stanley Turecki
- Protecting the Gift. By Richard Debacker
Our core values

We place ourselves in the shoes of our patients and parents as we mindfully listen, observe, and examine judgment-free.

By continually sharing information and seeking the advice and opinions of each other, our patients receive the benefit of the combined knowledge, skill, and experience of all the healthcare professionals who work in the practice.

A safe and healthy child makes a community stronger, and a strong community produces safe and healthy children.